Former SPD Police Chiefs

This page is dedicated to the police chiefs that have
served for the Sanbornton Police. It is with great honor that we
share this information with you.
Chief Mark Barton

Chief 2003-2009
Chief Richard Robinson
Chief Jack Maurath

Chief 1980-1996
Chief Dusty Nielsen

Chief 1971 to 1980
11, 1932 – August 22, 2009
This was our first year as an
organized, established police department; we were housed in the
“old” town hall. Under
Dusty’s leadership we established a telephone communications system,
which for the first time afforded the citizens of Sanbornton to
communicate any time of day or night with the emergency personnel.
The Sanbornton Police Department
was also the first to transfer its radio communications onto the new
high band radio system which gives it statewide communications.
This was made possible by a grant of $1,053.00 from LEAA.
In 1971 these words were posted in
the annual town report, they were written by Chief Nielsen:
“As Chief of Police of the Town of
I wish to state that it has been my pleasure to serve you.
I also wish to thank those of you who have given me their
support. I wish to
thank the members of the surrounding Law Enforcement Agencies for
the assistance they have given me from time to time.
I especially wish to thank Sheriff Rodney S. Crockett of
County and the members of his
department for their particular efforts and much appreciated
assistance during the past year.
I know that without their aid this department would not have
functioned as well as it did”.
Respectfully, LOUIS R. NIELSEN Chief of
For Emergencies Dial 911